Here's to the first quarter of my life being over. It's been fun. (Yes, I plan to make it to 2097. Imagine the spaceships!)
An Obsession with Food and Wine: Chicken Cycle
How one woman’s chicken feeds her family all week. (Thanks to CFO for the link.)
Men’s Health: 32 Things You Can Do with Beer
To quote Homer Simpson, “Ahhh, beer. The cause of, and answer to, all life’s problems.”
Money Saving Mom: How to Keep Meat from Breaking Your Budget
Meat. So tasty, yet so pricey. MSM has the solution.
Paid Twice: Festival of Frugality #99
The Festival's nearing the 100 mark, and this thing's getting huge. PT does a lovely job summing up this week's entries.
Sense to Save: Let’s Talk About Lunch
I pack lunch for The Boyfriend, so this was a neat brainstorm. (P.S. Did anybody read this and have Salt-n-Pepa’s “Let’s Talk About Sex” immediately spring to mind? Oh, ‘90s music, how I miss you.)
Serious Eats: I’ve never really understood the appeal of …
Steak. I admit it. A good steak is transcendent, but most are fair-to-middlin’ at best. They ain’t worth my time, man!
The Simple Dollar: Homemade Bread – Cheap, Delicious, Healthy, and Easier Than You Think
Extensive post on the beauty of yeast.
Time.com: 10 Questions for Anthony Bourdain
Excerpt: “Everyone has to draw a line. For me, it's the line between meat and pet. It hasn't come up yet, but I'd like to think that, given a choice between violating my deeply held principles about what is adorable and offending my host, that I'd eat the puppy heads.”
Wise Bread: The Case for Caloric Labeling
(Please read the following out loud in a ‘30s detective voice.) “Shee, it looks like an open-and-shut deal, shee? But the coppersh aren’t enforshing it yet, shee? But it would do ush all a little bettah, shee? Sho, necksht time you’re on the shtreet, in the shtore – ashk for calorie labeling, right? Thish little country will be a healthier plaish, doll.”
(Picture courtesy of Flickr.)
Tuesday Megalinks: Old Lady Edition

Reviewed by jembe
Published :
Rating : 4.5
Published :
Rating : 4.5