Serious Eats
Do you like food? Do you like reading about it endlessly? Do you have a porn collection consisting entirely of pictures of cupcakes? THIS is the blog for you. They probably don’t need the promotion, but I can’t help myself. Mmm … Batali videos …
Organization of the Week
Food Bank for New York City
Sticking close to home with this one. Another four-star philanthropy, FBNYC helps hungry Big Apple-ites in each of the five boroughs. Their food supply is low right now, and with Thanksgiving coming up, it could be in trouble. Check it out. The ghosts of Teddy and Franklin Roosevelt will thank you for it.
Quote of the Week
“Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is beer. Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does not go nearly as well with pizza.” – Dave Barry
Sketch of the Week
“Spam” – Monty Python
This week’s sketch has special meaning for me, since the audio version was my first introduction to Python. From there it was Holy Grail, Ministry of Silly Walks, and a crush on John Cleese that will not subside until 157 years after my death. (Please note convenient Japanese subtitles in sketch. Graham Chapman would have approved.)
Tip of the Week
If a recipe requires that you pound meat flat, but you don’t have a mallet, try using the bottom of a heavy coffee mug or beer stein. It’ll get the job done double-time, and the piercing THUNK noise is incredibly satisfying.
Untried Cheap, Healthy Recipe of the Week
Wednesday Chef – Russ Parsons' Salt-Roasted Pork Tenderloin with Rosemary and Fingerling Potatoes
Not for high-blood pressure types.
Video of the Week (Food Division)
'The Ballad of Peter Pumpkinhead" – XTC
You can consider this two weeks late or 349 days early for Halloween. Either way, more people should know about XTC.
(Image courtesy of SND.com.)
CHG Favorites of the Week

Reviewed by jembe
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Rating : 4.5
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Rating : 4.5